Workshop Light, Shadow and Space - February 15th 2020

Workshop Light, Shadow and Space - February 15th 2020

Understanding light in space

This workshop focusses on learning how to understand light in space and perspective . The first part of the workshop is about the history of perspective and the understanding of the construction of light rays and shadows within this space.

The second part focusses on the painting and drawing techniques that are specifically suited for painting dramatic lighting and gives you a few tools, tips and tricks o how to treat foreground, background, colored light, athmosphere and other scenes.

When: 11:00 - 16:00 - bring your own lunch

Where: Hoogstraat 43a, Rotterdam

Costs: € 60,- all materials included

More information coming soon

Workshop Perspective and Anatomy of the Human Body - March 14th 2020

Workshop Perspective and Anatomy of the Human Body - March 14th 2020

Workshop Hair, Fur and Feathers - January 25th 2020